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May 2, 2010

More Severe Weather

Update Sunday, 5/2: During the severe weather this weekend, we had many warnings where we had to get in the bathtub but the storm seemed to have passed of us in the southeast of MS, thankfully! Thank you guys for your thoughts & prayers.  I prayed many times this weekend, I think more than I have in the past :)  Others weren't so lucky, 15 dead in these storms which hit the midsouth, click here to read more.

Saturday, May 1

I won't be posting much today or tomorrow since we are having severe weather in my area of Southaven which is DeSoto County, MS.  Sirens are going off but the tornado sheer is east of us and moving northeast into east Memphis area.  There is potential of flooding which has already happened in Memphis.  We are getting pounded right now.  This severe weather won't be over until Sunday afternoon.   This storm system has already taken lives last night in Arkansas.  Again, please keep my family in your thoughts in prayers.

To see what I am watching on TV during this time, click here


  1. Oh nooo...not again!!!! I'm thinking of you and your family Heather...prayers to you.

  2. you and yours be safe heather!!

  3. Prayers.....does this happen often? Thankfully we don't get extreme weather here! Heck I've said it now...

    Stay safe hun (((hugs)))

  4. Stay safe and I hope and pray the bad weather is over quickly with no more harm!

  5. I'm in Nashville and that weather has headed our way now. Stay safe!

  6. All that crazy weather! Stay safe and I will send prayers your way!
