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April 30, 2010

Freaky Friday - Massive Dog

What is Freaky Friday?
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:
Can you imagine having a dog bigger than you?  I would be scared to death..LOL.  You can tell this dog is a Bullmastiff.  I have a Bullmastiff named Athena, but she's not that GIGANTIC!!


Come join the fun here at my Freaky Friday meme party!

Go ahead and add your Freaky Friday (FF) posts by following these instructions :)
  1. You will need to post your Freaky Friday on your blog.
  2. Add the blog hop link button above to your FF blog post.  It will link to this post, so that others will navigate back here to see more FF posts.
  3. Come back over here and add your permalink for your FF post.

I look forward to seeing everyone's Freaky Friday blog posts :)


  1. My gosh! That's huge!

    Erm...nothing freaky going on around here...unless you call it freaky that I actually feel AWAKE this morning...and that's BEFORE I have my coffee...he, he :)

  2. What a beautiful dog!! He is amazing!!!
    Nothing freaky here least not now!!

  3. OMWord that dog is huge. Holy Cow..or dog...whatever. Amazing.
    Having a giveaway today stop by if you can.

  4. OH MY GOODNESS! That dog is the largest dog I have EVER seen! That would scare me to death!!!! Hope he's friendly :)

    Have a great weekend!
    ~ ~

  5. HOLLY COW~ massive animal, I would call it a bear! I hate BIG DOGS... I was scarred for life being chased down by a large dog and bit in the butt... lol! I linked up!

  6. That dog would eat mine for a snack!! That's GI-NORMOUS!!!
    Have a great weekend :)

  7. That is REALLY, seriously freaky to me. I hate dogs! Truly, I do. So that picture actually freaks me out.
