How far along: 36.1 weeks
Total weight gain: 4 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes, of course.
Sleep: Taking Benadyl to help sleep but it's not really helping anymore. I switch from couch to recliner between pee time which is like 5-6x a night.
Food cravings/aversions: Chips and salsa
Morning sickness: No more, it's all COMPLETELY GONE!
Symptoms: swollen feet & ankles. Feet look like a blown up rubber glove
Labor signs: Nope, sucks!
Belly button in or out: Almost flat
What I miss: sleeping through the night
What I'm looking forward to: trying to induce myself to get labor started.
Pregnancy Update:

The plan is to get another growth scan at 38 weeks (Feb. 22) and see what his weight is then...if he is 9+ lbs then c-section but she isn't happy about it like me because I've had 3 previous vaginal births and would hate to give a c-section on my 4th but what can we do. They will not induce or do c-section until 39 weeks. She said since I went into labor on my own with Owen at 37 weeks w/ my water breaking (he was 7 lbs 14 oz at 37wks), that would be a great thing this time around...but only time will tell. I told Mel looks like he will get quite lucky in the month of Feb...tons of sex..starting after 36 weeks...LOL
Wow, almost at the end at least! Going to be a big baby. :)
ReplyDeleteBest wishes with your new little one. I just wanted to say, I found this really awesome owl layout, and it says that is was by you... (I used it) I just wanted to say thank you for allowing people like me, who have NO idea about layouts and such, to use your stuff. It's a great talent you have! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with self inducing!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sad that you're sleeping in the recliner and couch! I bought an amazing maternity pillow at about 14 weeks and it's helped so much!
If you deliver before your next update I hope all goes well! Can't wait to see pics of the baby boy!